Instruction to assemble your Caca-Tubo!

In 2023, more than 4 million visitors were recorded in National Parks alone. Year after year, our love of the outdoors takes its toll on nature: areas impacted with trash of all kinds, human waste, invasive species, habituated wildlife, eroding trails, contaminated water sources and more. While those of us who participate in these activities have no intention of harming the natural environment, we may not have the knowledge to preserve it either. So-called low-impact practices allow us to enjoy and protect our natural spaces.

One of the most impacted practices we observe every time we go on outings is the mountain, is the correct disposal of waste and garbage. This principle applies to everything from toilet paper and wet wipes to tampons, etc.

In some very affected natural areas or high altitude camps, as for example in the Cordón del Plata Provincial Park or Cerro Penitentes, we are required to lower our poop 💩: for this, the use of the Caca-Tubo is essential.

Did you know that Salmonella bacteria can live up to 51 weeks inside a 20cm deep hole in high mountain environments?

Let alone if it’s just under a rock or flying through the air on toilet paper… poop contaminates running water sources, groundwater and the snow that we need so much at altitude to properly hydrate ourselves. It also dangerously exposes us to pathogens from fecal matter, not to mention disturbing soils and wildlife health.

With these simple steps, you will be able to have your own Caca-Tubo ready to take care of yourself and nature on your mountain outings 💚🗻 .

Materials needed

  • One 110 mm diameter PVC pipe. You can find it in hardware stores or plumbing and building supply stores.
  • Two caps of the same diameter as the PVC pipe, to seal both ends.
  • Resistant glue for PVC.
  • Large individual bags to wrap waste, preferably biodegradable.

Steps to assemble the Poop Tube

  1. Clean the PVC pipe and make sure it is free of debris or impurities.
  2. Take one of the caps and attach it firmly to one end of the tube using the glue. Make sure the seal is airtight.
  3. The other cap will be used to open and close the tube, so it is not attached to either end. You can add a small cordin to the lid to help you open it.
  4. Slightly puncture one of the caps to allow air to circulate and avoid creating a vacuum when sealing the tube with the bags.
  5. You will need a large bag to line the inside of the Poop Tube and smaller bags for the poop.

How to use the poop-tube?

  1. Open the lid of your poop-tube and unroll the large bag.
  2. To make your needs, you have 2 options to choose from:
    1. Open a plastic bag on the floor and do your business! 🎯
    2. Do your business on the floor and then pick it up with the bag.
  3. Close the bag with a knot, making sure that it is not inflated with air inside and that the plastic does not break.
  4. Place the bag inside the Poop-Tube and put the lid on.
  5. To avoid bad odors, you can grind an aspirin and place it inside the bag. You can also include a tablespoon of lime or even “diatomite” cat pebbles to help control odors.

Additional information

About Author

Somos Ale y Dani, fundadores de Huka. En 2018 decidimos transformar nuestra pasión por la naturaleza en un estilo de vida. Nuestro propósito es acompañar y guiar a todas las personas que quieran vivir y disfrutar de una aventura el aire libre. 🏞🧗🚴‍♀️🚣🏕


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