Assemble your backpack efficiently, it can hold an incredible amount of gear, but it is also important that its distribution is balanced and does not move when you walk. that its distribution is balanced and that it doesn’t move when you walk.. The mochi can be divided into three zones and peripheral storage:
- Lower area: ideal for bulky equipment and items not needed until camp.
- Central zone: good for dense and heavy equipment. The closer the weight is to the back, the better the balance.
- Upper zone: Recommended for essential items you may need on the road.
- Pockets for accessories: the ones you need frequently and in an emergency.
- Loops for tools and lashing points: For large or long equipment, such as trekking poles.
The idea is to fill the nooks and crannies until you have a solid, stable load with equally and stable load, with the weight equally balanced on each side.. Una vez llena, se ajustan las correas de compresión, para optimizar la carga y evitar que se mueva mientras caminás.
Lower zone
Here are the bulky items you don’t need to use until camp.. Por ejemplo:
- Sleeping bag (backpacks usually have a bottom compartment designed for this).
- Layer you plan to sleep in.
- Lightweight camping footwear.
Packing this type of soft equipment on the bottom creates an internal shock absorption system for the back and backpack.
Central zone
In this part, you put the heavy equipment that you are not going to use during the trekking.. Incluye:
- Meals planned for camping or later days.
- Kitchen kit.
- Fuel.
- Camel bag (sachet-type water tank).
- Tent body and roof cover.
- Extra clothing.
Pack heavy items in this area and against the back, creates a stable center of gravity and directs the load downward, rather than backward.. Esto es importante porque si se colocan muy abajo, hace que la mochila se combe y, colocados demasiado alto, hace que se sienta inestable.
You can use soft items, such as socks or socks or clothing, to fill in the spaces and and create cushioning between bulky items.
Do you carry liquid fuel? In this case, use only approved fuel bottles and make sure that the cap is tightly closed. Pack it upright and down (separate) from the food, so that, in case of a spill, food will not be contaminated.
Upper Zone
On top of everything else, we place the essential elements to use on the trailss:
- Waterproof jacket.
- Warm jacket.
- First aid kit.
- Water filter or purifier.
- Toilet kit (paper/wet wipes, personal trash bag, dustpan).
Depending on the weather and the itinerary, the tent can also be stored in this part, for quick access if a storm arrives earlier than planned.
Accessory pockets
All backpacks have several pockets: on the lid, front, sides and on the lumbar belt. They are used to organize the smallest essentials:
- Chart and compass.
- Electronics.
- Sunglasses.
- Sunscreen and lipstick.
- Headlamp.
- Repellent.
- Lunch on the go.
- Water bottles.
- Rain cover (if you don’t have a rain cover, bag the entire contents of the backpack).
- Car keys (there is usually a clip inside one of the pockets).
- Documentation.
Tool loops and tie-down points
Some backpack models have loops and lashing points to carry objects and tools to carry objects and tools, such assuch as:
- Trekking poles.
- Tent poles.
- Insulation for sleeping.
- Piqueta.
- Crampons.
- Rope.
The daisies and compression straps can also be used to hold equipment that cannot be carried elsewhere. However, always minimize the amount of minimize the number of items you carry on the outside of your backpack, as they can snag on branches or scrape against rocks.They can snag on branches or scrape against rocks.