Preparing body and mind for altitude

If you are planning to ascend beyond the end of the vegetation, it is important to know a few things about altitude and how it can affect your body and mind, it is important that you know a few things about altitude and how it can affect your body and mind..

Travelling along the edge of the hill Vallecitos at more than 5000 meters above sea level (masl) at dawn or contemplate Mount Aconcagua from the summit of the Penitentes at more than 4000 meters above sea level, are moving experiences. Therefore, so that you can immerse yourself in high altitude mountaineering and enjoy the experience in the best possible way, here are 5 things you should keep in mind.

At high altitudes, there is less oxygen

The Andes mountain range is like an amusement park for high altitude mountaineering, but its practice has significant effects on the body and mind. People perform better, both physically and mentally, at sea level, where the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. Once we reach 2500 meters above sea level, the atmospheric pressure and oxygen percentage decrease, making it more difficult to breathe.and it is more difficult to breathe.

Move slowly and at a slow pace. Avoid sudden movements, such as bending down and getting up quickly. Rest as needed and take deep breaths.

The higher you go, the more intense the environment is

Walking at high altitude can also affect the hydration of your skin. It is important to always wear sunscreen, lip balm and sunglasses, and sunglasses, along with clothing that covers your head and neck.

The rarefied air is accompanied by a lack of humidity.

Drink plenty of water, a few days before and throughout your altitude exposure.

Take into account the weather

Mountain weather can change drastically in a matter of hours, or even minutes! Rain, hail, snow, cold, and high winds are a real possibility throughout the year when hiking above 3000 meters, are a real possibility all year round when hiking above 3000 meters above sea level.

Once you are in the field, it will be impossible to control the weather. Therefore, you should always analyze several forecasts before setting out and, if possible, find a way to check their updates during the outing.

Plan your trip according to the characteristics of the seasonal climate of the place you are going to. For example, in the north of Argentina, during the period from December to March, thunder and intense storms are common, so it is advisable to avoid those months.

Above the “vegetation line”.

The landscape changes as we ascend. The altitude of the “vegetation line” varies according to the climate, but in all habitats it represents the same thing: the limit to which vegetation is able to grow because conditions become too harsh to be tolerable.

The terrain becomes much looser and rougher, so it is essential to have the right hiking shoes and ankle protection.

In this zone, the pircas often mark the path to follow and it is more difficult to find well-formed trails. In addition, low-impact practices become stricter. The lack of trees and vegetation diminish the protection against bad we recommend that you plan your plan your options in advance to know how to evacuate to know how to evacuate the area or take shelter in case of a case of a storm.

Altitude sickness is real

The body does not react well when we climb high altitudes too quickly. When we set up an itinerary without foreseeing the acclimatizationaltitude sickness can manifest itself due to the change in air pressure and lack of oxygen.

To acclimatize, the body needs to gain altitude progressively. However, even if a correct acclimatization plan has been followed, altitude sickness can still manifest itself.

Symptoms of altitude sickness may include nausea, headache, thirst, lack of hunger or coordination, shortness of breath, confusion and vomiting.

If you notice these warning signs early on, the recommendation is not to take medication, but to hydrate well and stop the ascent until you feel an improvement. In case of severe multiple symptoms, the best way to solve it is to get off, rest, hydrate and eat light food.

Hiking at high altitude is worth it for the unique sensations you will experience: the intense physical activity is compensated by the breathtaking views and the unique mountain air. You will be able to enjoy the experience safely if you go slowly, discovering your rhythm and taking into account these tips.

Y if you want to keep on learning about high altitude mountaineeringwe invite you to take a look at this other article of our blog, where we have more information waiting for you: Why does altitude hit us?

Nice promotion!

About Author

Somos Ale y Dani, fundadores de Huka. En 2018 decidimos transformar nuestra pasión por la naturaleza en un estilo de vida. Nuestro propósito es acompañar y guiar a todas las personas que quieran vivir y disfrutar de una aventura el aire libre. 🏞🧗🚴‍♀️🚣🏕


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